Travel to Israel

(photo: bluehelmetblog)

Jerusalem is one of the oldest cities of the world. Sacred place for Jews, Muslims and Christians. For centuries all the maps showed Jerusalem as the center of the world and we can all agree that Jerualem has been the meeting point of many different cultures.

 Israel - Wailing Wall - Jerusalem
(photo: stuart__matthews)

In the Old City of Jerusalem one of the most sacred site is the Western Wall which is located at the western side of the Temple Mount. It has also been called the Wailing Wall, refering to the Jewish practice of coming to the site to mourn and bemoan the destruction of the Temple.

 Zin Valley, Ein Avdat National Park, Southern Israel #1
(photo: off2africa)

If you are in Isreal I recommend that you rent a car and explore the southern part of the country. You will find a stunning view across the Zin Valley from Midreshet Ben-Gurion Ein Avdat National Park in the Negev. The Zin desert is the Biblical desert from which the 12 spies were sent by Moses to tour the promised land. A perfect place to explore with a jeep-tour.

Ruins near the Dead Sea
(photo: Fiskurmanns)

Another recommended destination is the Dead Sea. It is an endorheic lake located in the Jordan Rift Valley a geographic feature formed by the Dead Sea Transform. It is the lowest point on earth and the saltiest and most mineral-laden body of water in the world. It's known worldwide as a very popular center for rehabilitation and healing. Rubbing mud from the Dead Sea on your body is known to rejuvenate skin, and tourists come from all over the world to reap the benefits of the nutrient-rich mud.


Angel Aguilar said…
What I look forward to about Dead Sea is that you can actually float without even trying hard. I've seen many pictures, and I'm looking forward to coming there. Your blog post is helpful. Your info about the mud intensifies my desire to go there.

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