Mount Ararat

Mount Ararat (Turkish: Ağrı Dağı) is a snow-capped, dormant volcanic cone in Turkey. It has two peaks: Greater Ararat (the highest peak in Turkey with an elevation of 5,137 m or 16,854 ft) and Lesser Ararat (with an elevation of 3,896 m or 12,782 ft).

The distance between peaks of Greater Ararat and Lesser Ararat is 11 km. The Greater Ararat is permanently covered by snow from the height of 4,250 m and higher. There are about 30 glaciers counted on Greater Ararat. The attitude of the mountain from top to the bottom is 4,385 m for Greater Ararat and 3,127m for Lesser Ararat.

The Ararat was named so by Europeans in XIX century. James Bryce in 1876 mentioned in his trip notes that "locals (Turks, Azerbaijanis, Persians and Armenians) Ararat is known by different name". According to Bryce, name Ararat was starting to become popular among the locals due to Russian influence.

According to Iranica, name Ararat was given to the mountain because of Judeo-Christian tradition which is associated with the "Mountains of Ararat" where, according to the book of Genesis, Noah's ark came to rest. As the mountain Ararat was the highest peak, Europeans decided that this mountain must be Ararat.

Generally word Ararat originates from Assyrian name of the state of Urartu.

Turkish and Azerbaijani name of the mountain is Ağrı Dağı (Mountain of Ağrı) which means 'heavy mountain'. Ağrı is also a province in the Eastern Anatolian Region of Turkey, which derived its name from the mountain in 1949.

Persian name is Kuh-e-Nuh (Noah's Mountain): (Persian: کوه نوح‎), also influenced by the flood story, this time via the Islamic view of Noah.

Kurdish name is Çiyayê Agirî (Fiery Mountain), Çiyayê Alavhat and Grîdax (Kurdish): This entire tree name referred a volcanic characteristic of Mount Ararat. It is the only name to have a clear, descriptive etymology while also indicating the preservation of folk memory.

Masis (Armenian: Մասիս) - is the Armenian name for the peak of Ararat, the plural 'Masiq' (Armenian: Մասիք) may refer to both peaks. This name is originated form Iranian roots and means means greater or big. So in middle Persian language masist means the biggest.



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